The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”
Status Ongoing
Type Novel

The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Synopsis The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

The 5,000 years-old boy hath resurfaced!
In the distant past, young and foolish Asley flunked out of the prestigious Magic University… by failing an early exam that had a 100% passing rate until then. Shortly afterwards, he accidentally created the immortality-granting “Drop of Eternity,” and upon consuming it, obtained an eternally lasting body.
He devoted himself to researching magic for almost 5,000 years… after which he traveled in search of the world’s most mysterous Dungeon. Along the way, he happened to save a family, and then their town, from monster attack. Before he knew it, he was hailed by the locals as a savior with ancient arcane arts and knowledge…
While helping to rebuild the town, an opportunity came up for Asley to enter the Magic University once again, so he did. One thing led to another, and his initially normal journey got bigger and bigger — studying, adventuring, monster hunting, money making, hellish training, uncovering conspiracies, saving the world, the whole nine yards!
Thus began the adventure through the mundane and the insane of “Eternal Fool” Asley, his Familiar wolf-dog Pochi, and all their friends and enemies along the way!

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Author Hifumi,壱弐参
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Chapter The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”
